08.00-09.30     CAPITAL SUITE 14/15/16  

International Practices and Improved Dialysis Outcomes: The DOPPS Program
Chairs: Michel Jadoul, Brussels, Belgium
             Bruce Robinson, Ann Arbor, USA

The DOPPS program continues to grow - special highlights
Ron Pisoni, Ann Arbor, USA
EURODOPPS: First birthday
Kitty J. Jager, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
CKDopps: Improving outcomes in advanced CKD and the transition to dialysis
Werner Kleophas, Düsseldorf, Germany
PDOPPS as a unique opportunity for ancillary research: plans for the UK PD catheter study
Martin Wilkie, Sheffield, UK
Measuring the patient experience: a useful approach to improve dialysis care?
Hugh Rayner, Birmingham, UK


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